Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sorta back on

Well, we have traded up to a new computer and it's a bit noice I must say. Just got to get all my programs off the fried one and on this one and I am back in business.
Lots happening with us, Amanda got dux of her year. I'm sorry if I mentioned it, we're kinda proud. Andrew went to Brisbane this week teaching and on Monday, got the call from school to come and get Josh, he's broken his collar bone. Yep, the kids is SPECIAL. Couldn't go for more than a year without seeing the inside of a hospital. Quite a bad break, but as he said.........."I've had worse". Without a doubt. So he's trussed up like a chicken for the next 6 weeks. yay,......not.
I became a great-aunt again last week with the safe arrival of Lauren Taylor Ramage. Congrats to Honnet and Ramo, we are so proud and you are so clever to have such a beautiful baby girl. We thought it was a boy, so the surprises just keep coming. You may address me hereafter by my title Great-Aunt Lella!!!
Went to the movies last night and saw New Moon. Not sure what to think, but it was a little cheesy in places. The kid who plays the part of Jacob Black really buffed up and he obviously worked hard for his new body. I feel like a dirty old woman, but that boy is FINE!!!! 'Nuff said there. Amanda was practically drooling on herself and Josh was looking at his guns to see if they compared...............they didn't. Nice movie though, think I will have to see it again to form an opinion.
Well, that's it, have to go to work now.You know, the mail MUST get through, through hail and sleet and snow. Yeah right!! Stinking hot here and there certainly ain't none of the aforementioned in this part of the world. Have a great weekend and
K xx