Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's out there. Hope your day is great!

Special shout out goes to my own Darling Dad. Love ya Pickle!! And to my husband. You're a wonderful Dad babe, and I love you!!! Mwahhhh

I also had a spurt of creativity starting with breakfast. Eggs Benedict on Turkish Bread.
I forgot the spinach leaves.
And the ham.
And also the cream.
Oh, and I forgot to fry up the mushrooms I had saved for the occasion.
BUT, my hubby was just stoked it wasn't toast!!! Tasted divine, and didn't need the extra fat of the cream after all.
I didn't mention the baby spinach leaves, so he didn't know they were missing.
Substituted the ham with bacon. And the mushrooms, well just forgot them and they stayed forgotten until about mid morning. D'OH!!
Never mind.
Spent an unexpected afternoon with our other fave family and did chip sangas for dinner.

Managed to make a few cards too. Will share that tomorrow.
Until then,
Stay Beautiful
K xx

1 comment:

  1. What a great breakfast. Would have gone down a treat here. Don't worry about missing the spinach, they would have been eggs florentine if you'd used it.
